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The Ugly American (1963)

2023-03-19 17:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ambassador Harrison Carter MacWhite: I'd like to interrupt, eh, gentlemen, to point out that the only thing that is clear so far is that there's no clarity at all. So if you don't mind, we'll stop this squabbling and I'll present you with some facts. About three hours ago, there were several people trampled to death, a policeman was pistol-whipped until his face looked like raspberry jam, and the man who represents the person of the president of United States was almost killed, along with his wife, and other members of his party. Now I- I don't mind telling you that I was afraid out there this afternoon, but I didn't know what fear was until this meeting got started. You gentlemen have given me something to think about. Now, here's something for you. Confusion, ignorance, and indifference will cease as of this moment. Information about everything that happens in Sarkhan will kept up to date and that's seven days a week. That's seven days a week gentleman! And Sundays included, and I don't give a damn where you live! And the next time that there are six thousand people that begin a riot, or six people, without this embassy being aware of it, those responsible will be on the first plane out of here with my personal recommendation that they be dropped from the foreign service!






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